Springdale news
Sharon and Wilda Lynn of Leavenworth and Evelyn Schwinn enjoyed lunch on Dec. 22 at the home of Peggy Gillaspie. Luke and Emily Cole were there also.
In the evening of Dec. 22, a busload of residents of Twin Oaks from Leavenworth were out looking at Christmas lights and visited Easton, where they toured the home of Ed and Peggy Gillaspie.
The Schwinn family had their Christmas get-together and dinner at the home of Mike and Kristie Clark and girls of rural McLouth on Christmas Day.
Danny and Linda and Rick Schwinn hosted the Schermbeck Christmas dinner on Dec. 24.
A large crowd attended Springdale Friends Church on the morning of Dec. 24 for the children’s program, followed by worship and fellowship in Friendship Hall.
The Rev. Jason Fergerson visited his mother, brother and family in Arkansas during Christmas week.
Carl and Barbara Slaughter hosted a family dinner on Christmas Day with some children and grandchildren present.
Carl and Lane Hecht of Springdale visited their grandmother Mary Hecht of Kansas City, Kan., Dec. 20 and 21 and then on Christmas Eve had supper with the Hecht family at Mary’s home.
Jenny and Donald Coffin spent Christmas Day with the Dale Coffin family.
L.J. and Gertrude Chrisman hosted a family dinner at their home in Springdale with their children, Steve Chrisman, Joyce and Kenny Webb, Daryl and Valerie Lafferty, Brett and Whitney.
Tom and Kathy Powell and sons Tommy and David spent Christmas Eve with Tom’s mother, Donna Powell of Lansing. Christmas Day, the Powells hosted a Christmas dinner at their home at Springdale with these family members present: Kathy’s parents, Bill and Helen Nowlan; Kathy’s brother, Patrick, Sally Nowlan and children, Steven and Rebecca; Tom’s mother, Donna Powell; brothers Doug and Jim Powell; and a friend of the family, Doris Bronson.
Wayne and Anabel Knapp traveled to Valley Falls and had snacks after church with Kirk, Chris and Austin Knapp and Sydney North. They opened their presents and went to the home of Chris’ mother and stepfather, Meloney and Monty, north of Valley Falls and had a lovely dinner.
Wayne and Anabel Knapp, Steve and Gertrude Chrisman attended the candlelight service at the United Methodist Church on Christmas Eve.