McLouth Happenings
Do you have little ones ages 3 and younger? Join the fun, participating in Parents as Teachers playgroups at the McLouth Community Center-Library. This month’s schedule featuresDinosaur Fun” from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Feb. 5 and 15 and from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 20. Parents as Teachers is a fun, free, early learning program for parents of children prenatal through 3 years, sponsored by McLouth school district and Kansas State Department of Education. Contact Jennifer Klamm, parent educator, for information: or (913) 845-1519.
American Legion Auxiliary 393 encourages all girls in their junior year of McLouth High School to apply for the 65th annual session of Kansas Sunflower Girls State, which will be held June 3 through 8 on the Kansas University campus in Lawrence. The purpose of Girls State is to instill a sense of responsibility to community, state and nation. Girls State is a practical application of Americanism and good citizenship. It is a non-partisan, non-political program designed to teach youth of America that democracy belongs to them.Deadline for applications is March 12. Submit your name to: Beverly Muzzy, 21370 259th St., McLouth 66054; (913) 796-6935;
The McLouth Recreation Commission Patriots’ Parade Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 7 the McLouth Community Center. Anyone interested in the planning and organizing for the community event — set for April 14 — are invited to attend. New ideas and volunteers are welcome.
Celebrate Recovery, a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program, meets at 6:30 every Thursday evening in the basement of McLouth Church of the Nazarene. This is for anyone struggling with hurts, hang-ups, addictive behaviors, and recovering from drugs, alcohol, gambling, eating disorders. For information call (913) 796-6935 or (913) 796-6290.
— Submit McLouth Community information, announcements, and upcoming events to Beverly Muzzy: or (913) 796-6935.