Senate committee calls for $500,000 in federal funds for County Road 1 upgrade
A County Road 1 upgrade for a turnpike interchange on Interstate-70 south of Tonganoxie would receive $500,000 in federal funding if the U.S. Senate approves its appropriations committee’s 2008 budget reccommendations.
The Transportation and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill for the 2008 fiscal year has $500,000 earmarked for the project, which, would subsequently bring the first turnpike interchange to Leavenworth County. The Kansas Turnpike Association will construct an interchange where County Road 1 currently passes over I-70 — with the stipulation that Leavenworth County upgrade CR 1, a narrow two-lane highway that begins just south of Tonganoxie where it meets U.S. Highway 24-40. It’s roughly three miles between that intersection and I-70.
U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., applauded the committee’s move.
“I am pleased the Senate has recognized this important regional economic development project to enhance the safety and accessibility of the Leavenworth and Tonganoxie areas,” Roberts said. “It is my hope that with this investment, the overall turnpike interchange project can move forward in a timely fashion for the benefit of northeast Kansas and the citizens of Leavenworth County.”
The bill next will go to the full Senate for a debate and vote before going to the House of Representatives for a vote. If it passes both houses, it will be sent to President Bush to be signed into law.
For more on this story, see the July 25 edition of The Mirror.