Tonganoxie City Council Agenda for July 23 Meeting
July 23, 2007
7:00 Regular Meeting
Honorable Michael Vestal, Mayor
Council Members: Jason Ward, president; Tom Putthoff; Paula Crook; Steve Gumm; James Truesdell
I. Open Meeting — 7:00 p.m.
II. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes —
1. Regular Meeting dated July 9, 2007
2. Special Meeting dated July 10, 2007
b. Consider Approval of Bills – Approve Pay Ordinance A-1560
III. Open Agenda
“Members of the public are welcome to use this time to comment about any matter relating to City business. The comments that are discussed under Open Agenda may or may not be acted upon by the Council during this meeting. Please wait to be recognized by the Mayor, then state your name and address and all comments are to be directed to the chair.”
IV. Old Business
a. Consider award of contract for easement acquisition services for BPU Waterline
V. New Business
a. Consider approval of publication for public hearing for the FY2008 Budget to be held August 13, 2007.
b. Consider Planning Commission recommendation to approve rezoning for Vintage Park Assisted Living Facility generally located at 8th Street & West Street (24/40).
1. Consider Resolution 07-07-01 adopting the findings of facts and conclusions for the proposed rezone.
2. Consider adopting of Ordinance 1236 approving the rezoning.
c. Consider Planning Commission recommendation to approve rezoning for Eagle Valley #4 generally north of future 14th Street and West of Raintree Drive.
1. Consider Resolution 07-07-02 adopting the findings of facts and conclusions for the proposed rezone.
2. Consider adopting of Ordinance 1237 approving the rezoning.
d. Consider Charter Ordinance No. 16 related to the appointment of Police Officers.
e. Consider Charter Ordinance No. 17 revising the meeting quorum of the City Council
f. Consider request from the Leavenworth County Port Authority to waive the fees associated with an updated preliminary and final Plat for Urban Hess #4 ($750).
g. Consider Resolution 07-07-03 amending personnel policy as it pertains to Bereavement Leave.
h. City Administrator Agenda
1. Bonner Springs Salary Survey
2. Swimming Pool Design Update
3. KDOT Revolving Loan Fund Information
4. Pleasant Street Bridge Replacement options — Federal Support vs. City-at-Large
i. City Attorney Agenda
j. Mayor’s Agenda
k. Council Presidents Agenda
l. City Council Agenda
VI. Adjourn
VII. Information & Communications (No Action Required)
a. Letter from KDOT announcing new District One Engineer Catherine Patrick
b. June 2007 Residential Building Permit Statistics
c. 2007 Water Purchased and Sold
d. Planning Commission minutes July 5, 2007
e. League Policy Committee
f. Invitation to an informal Meet & Greet at the Library August 4, 2007
g. Copy of advertisement for Invitation to bid on construction of new Public Works facility
h. Tonganoxie Public Library 2008 Budget Resolution
i. Library Board Minutes June 20, 2007