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Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room

By Eleanor Mckee - | Jul 25, 2007

Bored to death, time on her hands, retired, tired and with no hobbies, a friend of mine said this: “I wish I had your sewing skills.”

It seems to be a common thing. It’s never too late to learn. If it’s sewing, I usually say something like, “Just cut little squares, sew them together to create a doll quilt for a grandchild. Start by doing your family mending.”

One proud mother said: “I marvel at my daughter’s sewing. She just makes all of her own clothes, has the smartest looking outfits.”

Her daughter Janie grew up always at her grandma’s house, fascinated with all of those beautiful scraps of fabric from the quilts she herself made. Grandma let her play with the scraps, also teaching her to make doll clothes.

Janie will tell you, “Grandma used to spend hours and hours messing with me, teaching me. She never seemed to tire of my stupid questions. She could fix anything. It has meant so very much to me all these years.”

Oh yes, we grandmas need not sit around bored to death. There’s always wee ones around somewhere, if not our own, a neighbor perhaps. Or we can make things for Christmas boxes at church, etc.

In other news, that Free Information 411 number really does work. A lady approached me in the grocery store the other day. She had clipped it out earlier and then lost it. So here it is, it really works and is totally free.

You have to listen to a very brief message from its sponsor but that’s expected. Just dial 1-800-FREE-411.

Until next week, God bless.

— Aunt Norie can be reached at P.O. Box 265, Tonganoxie 66086 or auntnorie@bdc.net.