Remember When: A Community Review
10 years ago: May 7, 1997
Farewell, Principal Pine: He started his career at Tonganoxie Junior High School before some of his teachers were born back when The Beatles were turning American culture on its ear by radio and vinyl records. At the end of the 1996-97 school year, Marvin Pine is calling an end to his career in the Tonganoxie school system. At a youthful 55 years of age, Pine will have been in the district 31 years, one of the most venerable instructors.
Deaths: Kenneth M. Brents, 69, Tonganoxie, died May 4, 1997; Irene Mandl, 93, Leavenworth, died May 5, 1997; Patricia Lappin Keller passed away on April 5, 1997, in Metaire, La. She was born July 3, 1931, in Topeka, and graduated from Tonganoxie High School in 1949. She fought a long, courageous battle with cancer; Betty Ruth Rountree, 67, Tonganoxie, died April 29, 1997.
McLouth High School senior selected for journalism conference; Mr. Adam Subelka of McLouth, has been selected to attend the Washington Journalism Conference (WJC) to be held in Washington, D.C., from April 22 to April 27, 1997. Adam, a senior at McLouth High School, will be one of 350 outstanding high school journalists attending the conference sponsored by the Congressional Youth Leadership Council.
25 years ago: May 5, 1982
Mrs. Lois Liebenow of Bonner Springs discovered this six-leaf clover when she went to check her gas tank. She stopped to pull a weed and had to pick the clover to pull the weeds. When she looked at the clover, she discovered it had a double stem and six leaves.
Mr. Mark Elston of Grandview, Mo., has received a four-year Chick Evans Scholarship presented by the Kansas City Golf Association and the Western Golf Association. Mark will enter Kansas University this fall.
Death: Theodore T. Gress, 65, Emporia, formerly of this area, died April 29, 1982, in Emporia.
Jarbalo Jottings: Our town will be 99 years old May 9, at its present location. It originally was a mile north and a mile west of where it now stands, and later was where Kenneth and Goldie Hudson live, before being located where it is due to the railroad coming through (the Leavenworth, Topeka and Southwestern Railway).
McLouth News: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mann attended funeral services for Mrs. Mann’s brother-in-law, A. C. Petranovich in Winslow, Ariz.
Little Miss Abby Myers celebrated her fourth birthday April 29 with a birthday party at the Show-Biz Place in Shawnee.
Mr. and Mrs. John White recently returned from a trip through some of the southern states and on into Florida.
50 years ago: May 23, 1957
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Johnson will observe their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, May 26, at their home in Tonganoxie, with open house from 2 to 5.
Death: Edward O’Donnell, 61, a life-long resident of Leavenworth County, died Sunday night in Leavenworth after an extended illness.
Richard Koerth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Koerth, scored well in the Emporia State College Scholarship Contest. He ranked fourth in geography and sixth in arithmetic throughout the state.(Richard was in the seventh grade.)
Jarbalo: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ehart Jr., announce the birth of a son May 21 at the Winchester Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Miller of Claflin announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Jo, May 12, 1957. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seymour.
Robert Lenahan is building a new modern six room home west of Bonner Springs on Highway 32. The location is on the north side of the road about 3/4 of a mile from the west city limits.
75 years ago: April 28, 1932
Old Resident Passed Away: Death Came Last Thursday: Carrie Needham Came To Kansas At The Age Of Eighteen, Lived Here Since. With the death last Thursday evening of Miss Carrie Needham, Tonganoxie lost another of her old pioneer settlers. The Needham family came to Tonganoxie 64 years ago and has since been actively identified with the town and its activities. With the death of Miss Carrie Needham comes a break in this family, three brothers and the one sister, who had all passed their 80th milestone by several years. Miss Carrie was the youngest of this family.
E.R. Rogers passed away this (Thursday) morning in a hospital in Seattle. Mrs. E.R. Rogers will be remembered as Miss Marie Carter of Tonganoxie.
Mrs. Mike Sheehan, 58 of Hoge Station, died in St. John’s Hospital in Leavenworth at two o’clock today. Death followed a two weeks illness of what was thought to be influenza. Mrs. Sheehan, whose maiden name was Mary Kennedy, was born in Leavenworth and spent her life in this county.
East of Town: Walnut School closed Friday with the big annual dinner, and folks forgot for the time being that we were living in times of depression, and all enjoyed the feast. Miss Helen Freeman will be our teacher next year.
Mr. and Mrs. Erby Chancey announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, April 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lutz announce the birth of a son on Saturday, April 23, at the home of Mrs. Lutz’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dutt in Holton.
Reno: Mrs. C. V. Langley has gone to Lawrence to become acquainted with her new grandson, which arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Langley on Friday.
100 years ago: May 9, 1907
After an illness of about three months, Heber E. Frazier closed this life, April 27, 1907, at the home of his son Orla in Rooks County. The deceased was born May 3, 1834, in Hamilton County, Indiana.
Cordelia D. Hammil was born in Pennsylvania in 1831. Miss Hammil came to Kansas in 1864, settling in Leavenworth County. She was married to Benjamin Ross in 1870. However, Mrs. Ross came to that place where she longed to be relieved from her earthly pilgrimage. The summons came Saturday, April 28, and Mrs. Ross quit this life mingled with joys and sorrows, for one of blessedness.
Samuel Peirce died at his home in the west part of town at noon yesterday, after a short illness. He was 85 years old. The funeral services are to be held some time tomorrow.