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Amendment would freeze senior property taxes

By Staff | Mar 19, 2007

(Wichita Eagle) Tax break for seniors debated: Two state senators are pushing a constitutional amendment to freeze property values for senior citizens. They hope to have the issue on the ballot for the November 2008 election. But critics of the resolution say that artificially capping property values for certain people means that others will have to pick up the difference.

(KC Star) Health reform may have to wait: Lawmakers say they want to reform health care but that is proving to be a problem even knottier than school finance or tax policy.

(AP) Bumper sticker could cost employee her job: Republican lawmaker wanted a state employee fired for putting an anti-war bumper sticker with a strong swear word on her car, which she parks in the Statehouse garage.

(LJW) Capitol Briefing Rep. Barbara Ballard, D-Lawrence, got one of the few Democratic amendments on the House budget last week … The Senate has sent the House a bill that would require the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System divest its holdings in companies that invest in Sudan, whose government has been blamed for atrocities in an ethnic conflict in the Darfur region … The AAA office in Lawrence continues to be targeted by the insurance industry for its contract with the state to handle driver’s license renewals.

(Harris News Service) Kan-ed under microscope: A statewide technology network might face scrutiny in the Legislature – but a key senator said Friday she doesn’t believe its future is in jeopardy.

(Topeka Capital-Journal) Americans for Prosperity phone calls urge spending restraint: Phone calls and radio advertisements to voters are part of a campaign by fiscal conservative groups to keep state spending down during the current budget discussions in the Statehouse.

(Topeka Capital-Journal) Cord blood interests legislator: Banking a baby’s cord blood has made its way into the headlines of parenting magazines, but when it comes down to it, reliable information about the procedure is often difficult to find.

(KC Star) Official English battler is brewing: A war of words could be brewing over a bill making English Kansas’ official language.