Jarbalo Jottings
There will be a meeting of the Fall Creek Cemetery Corporation at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 31, at the fire station in Springdale.
On March 9, several people from Jarbalo United Methodist Church went to the St. Paul School of Theology, where they saw a preview of what to expect at the Union Station when they would see the exhibition of the Dead Sea scrolls. Those on the trip were Marilyn Oxley, Mary Lou Robinson, Heidi and Gretchen Onasch, Peachez Joles, Pastor and Mary Lou Grove and Pat Cook.
Alice Purvis and Michael of Horton visited Bid Sheppard on Saturday, March 10.
Jason and Nicole Murry and children of Princeton, were March 10 visitors of Jim Murry and Tom and Jean Murry. On Sunday, Tom and Jean went to Olathe for a 55th birthday celebration for Pat Murry given by Jeanne Murry.
The Jaunty Jarbalonians chapter of the Red Hat Society met March 9 at the pancake supper at Jarbalo United Methodist Church. Those attending were Bonny Barnett, Lynn Paul, Jane Turner, Frances Frick and Thamar Barnett.