Aunt Norie’s sewing room (March 28, 2007)
Yes we have people everywhere that we need desperately at times.
There are people that may save our very lives: the medics, the fireman, the police. Don’t forget those who are out there keeping our utilities on in any and all kinds of weather.
Do we say thank you often enough, or at all, perhaps?
We say they are getting paid for it; it’s their job. Yes they are, however we still need to show our appreciation, to say thank you.
That’s what jobs are, you say, a service of some sort to some one. But you know what I mean, those very-special-to-you people, just say thanks let them know how really important they are.
Having grown up in those Depression days, I have a thing, I guess, with buttons. A friend had lost just one. It was an old-timer sort, hard to match. Well we found I had one — not a perfect match but certainly one that would do.
As I grew up it seemed I saved everything. Here again that old saying, “use it up, wear it out or do without,” fit so well.
Mom used to let me cut off all of the buttons as garments were discarded, then we strung the buttons on thread, little pieces of soft wire, etc. I still do that to. By the way, in those days there were no plastic buttons.
At today’s price of buttons and if you sew a lot, keep an eye open for pretty buttons on garments at garage sales
MR (she pieces quilts) tells us: “For fabric for quilt pieces, I buy at garage sales cotton house dresses. I use only the skirt sections.” She says she never cuts pieces from the yoke. “It is more apt to have weakened from stress of movement or begun to wear out, and you want good, strong, new strength for all the work it takes to make a quilt.”
She also has a hint for us: “You can sew buttons on to stay put longer if you double or triple your thread. You’ll need fewer stitches get the job done faster.”
Thanks my dear, good tip indeed.
Until next week then, God bless.
— Aunt Norie can be reached at P.O. Box 265, Tonganoxie 66086 or