Jarbalo Jottings (March 28, 2007)
Steve and Gail Fitzwater visited Thamar Barnett on Sunday and took her to eat at Bichelmeyer’s in Tonganoxie. They told of their recent trip to Nailsworth, Gloucester, Great Britain, to visit their friend Joyce Nelson for a week.
Kody Heskett of Moran stayed with Thamar Barnett from Friday, March 16, until Wednesday, March 21. He was at the home of David and Jane Turner during the day, working on a leather picture for a 4-H project. Isaac Heskett stayed with Gene and Glenda Heskett in Tonganoxie that same time. They took the boys Wednesday evening to Ottawa to meet Paul and Lynn Heskett, and the boys went home with them. Michelle Heskett is staying with Thamar and doing a leather picture at the Turner’s. Michelle will go home Saturday, when her parents come to get her.
Wednesday, March 21, Wayne and Mildred Kirby were dinner guests of Bid Sheppard. Others visiting Bid that day were Jill Aufdemberge and Ariel and Mark, and Katie Aufdemberge and Emma.
Sunrise service on Easter morning, April 8, will be at 6:45 at Jarbalo United Methodist Church.
A last reminder that the Fall Creek Cemetery Corp. will have its annual meeting at 2 p.m. Saturday at the fire station in Springdale.