Restaurant cited for code violations
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has cited a Tonganoxie restaurant for health code violations.
KDHE, on Oct. 16, sent a letter to Corky’s restaurant, 1212 E. U.S. Highway 24-40, with its list of food code violations after a Sept. 21 reinspection uncovered four critical violations: not properly arranging food in equipment to prevent contamination, not holding hot food at the required 140 degrees when specified; not keeping cold food below 41 degrees; and failing to have methods to control pests if found on site. All of the code violations were corrected on site, except for the pest control.
The restaurant also was cited for two noncritical violations: equipment cleaning frequency on nonfood contact surfaces; and failing to have at least one temperature measuring device that must be located in a unit potentially holding hazardous equipment. The first code violation was corrected on site, but the second was not.
Corky’s has been cited four times since February 2006. The first time stemmed from a complaint, the second was during a routine KDHE inspection and the final two were reinspections.
The pest control violations were documented during routine inspection and the two reinspections.
Fines for an individual violation can range up to $500 per violation for each day the violation is documented. All fines are subject to appeal, as governed under the Kansas Administrative Procedures Act. An establishment has 20 calendar days from the date the order was mailed, plus three days for mailing, to file for an appeal or to pay the fine.