Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room
“When did you learn to sew?” asked Margaret.
That is a day I’ll never forget, a very special day indeed. I remember I needed a button sewn on my favorite blouse. I ‘had to’ wear it. Mom was too busy. As I fussed about it, my dad piped up with, “Come here sis, let me show you how. Besides, I think you are big enough to do it yourself.” I was 7.
“Jeepers Dad, you’re kidding me.” He wasn’t, he did, and I’ve never forgotten. We had so much fun sewing that button on, I begged mom to let me sew on all the loose buttons. I’d search thru the laundry for them.
Mom said I was a born seamstress. She soon taught me to sew a lot of things, especially in the mending. That is one of the easiest ways to learn, you are seeing how a garment is made as you put it back together.
I taught my boys as they got interested, before they got old enough to think it was a sissy thing to do.
Now-a-days there are often as many boys in home-ec classes as girls, and a lot of girls in shop, etc., and that’s great.
A group of us, five or six the other day, were discussing the awfulness of TV commercials. You know if we all just started calling that 800 number on each of their products and complaining, it would help. You don’t even have to buy the product; go to the store lift it off the shelf and get that 800 number.
Recall how one squeaky little voice — I think from California — didn’t want her son to pray or hear prayer in school began sounding off. Look where that has gone. Don’t ever say one vote or one voice doesn’t count, it does.
That’s it for today. In the meantime pray for this old world. Bye.
— Write to Aunt Norie at P.O. Box 265, Tonganoxie 66086, or via e-mail at