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Jarbalo Jottings

By Thamar Barnett - | Nov 20, 2007

Bid Sheppard attended a baby shower for Lacey Aufdemberge on Nov. 3 in Leavenworth.

David and Jane Turner went to the home of David Jr. and Tracey Turner and Sydney for lunch. Later David and Jane went to a retirement party for Mike Wilson in Basehor.

The Jaunty Jarbalonians Red Hat group met Nov. 10 at the home of Linda Barry in Leavenworth for a Thanksgiving dinner. Those attending were Connie Barnett, Bonny Barnett, Lynn Paul, Betty Clark, Jane Turner and Thamar Barnett. Bonny’s daughter, Robin Kern, was a guest.

Jarbalo United Methodist Women met Wednesday at the Harvest House in McLouth for dinner and a meeting.

During the meeting, members determined to where money in the treasury would be appropriated.

Frances Jeannin presented a letter about how to become a five-star unit. After some discussion it was decided not to pursue it at this time.

Members attending were Joan Dunlap, Connie Barnett, Bid Sheppard, Frances Jeannin, Marilyn Oxley, Galdys Steffen and Thamar Barnett. Guests were Kathy Powers and Christine Black.