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McLouth Happenings

By Beverly Muzzy - | Nov 20, 2007

Mary Hedgepath has enjoyed a nice visit with her niece, Sandy Jones, from Brainerd, Minn. Sandy has been Mary’s guest since Aug. 22. Mary celebrated her 90th birthday on Nov. 6. Her grandson, Randy Kingsolver, and Sandy Jones treated Mary to a birthday lunch in White Cloud. Sandy recently returned to her home in Minnesota.

Community Oriented Reverence and Evangelism (C.O.R.E.) is a tremendous new ministry designed for young Christians in senior high, as well as young adults. Services include live praise and worship music, special speakers, refreshments and other fun activities. Meetings will be at McLouth Church of the Nazarene, 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on these Saturday evenings: Nov. 24, Dec. 8 and Dec. 22. Everyone is welcome. The goal of C.O.R.E. is to provide young people with the opportunity to develop a strong relationship with Jesus Christ. For further information, please call: (913) 796-6290.

Community “Scrapbooking” Fellowship will be held at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 29, in the basement of McLouth First Baptist Church (weather permitting). Beginners and seasoned Scrapbookers are welcome. Bring your photos and share your ideas. Questions? Call Sheryl Stemmons: (785) 840-4239.

— Please submit McLouth Community information, announcements, and upcoming events to Beverly Muzzy: mclouthhappenings@isp.com or (913) 796-6935.