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More than $3,000 raised for breast cancer awareness

By Shawn Linenberger - | Nov 20, 2007

The Chieftain Stars dance team owes its cheerleading counterpart some pizza pie.

Earlier this month, the THS dance and cheerleading squads, in cooperation with the Tonganoxie Sonic restaurant, staged a tater-tot-a-thon to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, an organization committed to fighting breast cancer.

Whichever group ate the most tater tots at a THS assembly was recognized as the tater tot champion. However, there was another, more important competition — to see which group could raise more money, whether it be from money donated in a lump sum or money pledged for each tot that was consumed.

Sonic manager Charlie Kraut said Thursday that final totals are in: The cheerleaders raised $1,225, while the dance team raised $614. That means, per a friendly bet staged before the fundraising started, the dance team must buy pizza for the cheerleaders.

In addition, Kraut said that $733 was raised at the Tonganoxie Sonic, while the restaurant’s senior partners matched 25 percent of the money raised, or $643.

In all, $3,215 was raised overall for the cause.

Krout said the amount raised ranked in the top five of 37 Kansas City metro area Sonics.

Kraut credited THS cheerleading coach Sandy Saultz with helping make the annual fundraiser such a success.

“She just ran with it and was instrumental in making this such a great success,” Krout said.

Cheerleaders also will collect toys at the Bonner Springs Wal-Mart the next two Saturdays. The toys will be given to youth patients at University of Kansas Hospital.