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Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room

By Eleanor Mckee - | Nov 28, 2007

Anna F. also shares with us how she learned to sew.

She had her first date and was going to a square dance. She needed a twirly-whirly skirt with those net bouncy petticoats. She and her mom went shopping, bought some bright red, checked gingham, yards and yards of it. “Mom said we really didn’t need a pattern,” just one row after another of gathered strips sewn together.

Her mom guided her as Anna did all of the sewing.

“It was so easy and such fun to wear I later made a sun dress, not so full. The bodice was just one strip gathered along the top and bottom where it hooked onto the skirt, then I added straps. It was the quickest and easiest dress I ever made, but it really got me started sewing I now make all of my own clothes.”

Anna is in college now, and being able to sew and make her own clothes in these days is the greatest. She can have much nicer and many more outfits.

Thanks Anna for sharing. She gives her mom credit for telling us about her sewing, so thanks also mom.

Anna’s mom is an avid seamstress, goes to garage and yard sales, and one of her pet projects is looking for and collecting unusual buttons. Too many buttons offered today are plastic. Really good buttons — if and when you can find them — are so very expensive.

Enjoy hearing from you; please share your experiences with us. I promise not to use your name if you prefer.

Keep those shears sharp and cut your thread on a slant now. God bless you!

— Write to Aunt Norie at P.O. Box 265, Tonganoxie 66086 or via e-mail at auntnorie@bdc.net.