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Remember When: A Community Review

By Billie Aye - | Nov 28, 2007

10 years ago: Oct. 22, 1997

THS grad Craig Elliott returned to Tonganoxie for a visit Monday, Oct. 20. Elliott is an architect and has recently designed the E Center, a $50 million hockey and speed skating facility in West Valley, Utah, which will be used for the 2000 Winter Olympics.

Harold and Mary Frances Krull unfurled a map of the Tonganoxie Cemetery, which they are using to try to locate and mark lost gravesites in the 10-acre cemetery.

The sons and their families of George and Betty Lingenfelser are having a celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary on Nov. 1, 1997, at the Lansing Community Center in Lansing.

Birth: Pam and Allen Arevalo, Tonganoxie, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Haley Marie. Haley was born Sept. 23, 1997.

Deaths: Albert Leroy “Roy” Houk, 84, Kansas City, died Oct. 16, 1997; Iness (Inez’) M. Kinney, 77, Topeka, died Oct. 17, 1997; Patience Joy Melchior, 37, Lawrence, died Oct. 17, 1997; Irene W. Taschetta, 84, Overland Park, formerly of Topeka, died Oct. 11, 1997.

25 years ago: Oct. 20, 1982

Deaths: Mr. Joseph J. Schwartz, 60, died at his home in Phoenix on Oct. 17, 1982; Ernest M. Johnson, 63, Rt. 1, died Monday; Mrs. Clare Robertson, 99, died Oct. 19, 1982, at Bakersfield, California.

Mrs. Mabel Peters, formerly of Tonganoxie, who now resides at the Eudora Nursing Home, will be celebrating her 88th birthday on Oct. 30.

Mrs. John (Jean) Lenahan arrived home Saturday evening after spending last week in Fort Worth, Texas, attending a seminar representing the Fort Leavenworth Museum.

Kathleen LaGue, a junior, is one of two co-captains of the 1982-83 Baker University Wildcat pompon squad. There are 16 coeds on the squad. Kathleen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul LaGue, Rt. 2, Tonganoxie.

50 years ago: Nov. 7, 1957

Linwood: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mohler of Hannibal, Mo., announce the birth of a son, Oct. 31, 1957.

Senior citizen J. C. Laming of Tonganoxie cut the birthday cake at the 70th anniversary of the Bank of McLouth last Saturday. He must have done a good job 20 years ago at the 50th anniversary to be asked back again.

William L. Freienmuth, Damascus, Md., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Freienmuth, has been promoted to assistant department head at Vitro’s Silver Spring Laboratory. Mr. Freienmuth joined Vitro in 1948.

There are only 17 dogs in Tonganoxie, which is a big drop in the canine population. That is, if you judge from appearances. That is the exact number the assessor counted, but maybe he had one eye shut.

75 years ago: Oct. 13, 1932

This has been a good sweet potato year. Cyrus Hawkins has one which weighs more than 4 pounds.

Hoge Station: A surprise party on Mrs. Elmer Hitzeman Wednesday evening, the occasion being her birthday.

Hawk Hollow: Thieves entered Will O’Brien’s hen house one night last week, and relieved them of all but eight of their young chickens.

Stranger: Fred Leimkuhler, Jr., entertained the members of his Sunday School class Friday evening. There were 31 present who enjoyed the social time, after which lunch was served.

100 years ago: Oct. 24, 1907

Raymond, the hypnotist, is giving entertainments in Laming’s hall every evening this week. He gets good words for his show.

William Hardin, an octogenarian, died in the arms of his son, W.K. Hardin, at the latter’s home Tuesday morning near Hoge in Stranger Township from Bright’s disease. He had not been previously ill and his death was wholly unexpected. — Times.

THE NEW NAME: From the large number of names both beautiful and appropriate sent in to select from the management of the Tonganoxie Milling Co., has finally decided on KEMPER’S KANSAS KING, given by J. J. Wilson living hear Linwood, who was the first one to send in this name. He accordingly gets the $20 offered for the name accepted. The company wishes to extend thanks to their many friends and patrons for the friendly interest manifested during the contest and promises to return a superior flour.