Springdale News
Orie and Jan Nelson finalized the summer season by attending the annual Kirby Threshing Bee in rural Leavenworth County near Jarbalo. Fifty plus restored and vintage tractors of all sizes participated in a parade and a lovely ride through the woods and around the lake. Many delicious foods were presented for all to enjoy.
October brought several houseguests to the Nelsons including Jim Nelson, Orie’s brother, from Waukesha, Wis., Curt Bork and Sheryl Fullone, new to Memphis, Mo., and Camille and Jennifer Sumerix, daughter and granddaughter, from Ormond Beach, Fla. They, along with Orie and Jan, attended a celebration in Kansas City, Mo., for friends from Leavenworth.
Jan Nelson attended Republican Women in October at High Noon Saloon in Leavenworth. Jim Ryun, candidate for Congress, spoke of his aspirations for Kansas.
Orie attended a History Committee meeting in Atchison at the Visitors Center with a group researching Lincoln’s stay in Leavenworth County, including Lincoln’s passing through the Springdale/Jarbalo area.
Jan represented Leavenworth County Republican Women in the Leavenworth County parade honoring veterans and troops on Nov. 12. She wore a WWII man’s Navy uniform. Donna Gillett, also a member of the club, joined her.
In November the Nelsons flew to Ormond Beach, Fla., for five days to attend their grandson Cody’s final performance with American Music Theater at Seabreeze High School. The production was “Mame.” They also enjoyed a presentation of a band and flags competition with granddaughter Jennifer participating. Jan’s birthday was celebrated with family in Florida and later with friends Bork and Fullone in Missouri.
The Thanksgiving Dinner at the Springdale Friends Church on Nov. 18 was well attended and the dinner table was overflowing, many blessing were expressed.
Danny and Linda and Rick Schwinn had a birthday party Tuesday evening, Nov. 20, to honor the birthdays of Randy Schwinn, Dave Zule and Evelyn Schwinn. Attending to enjoy the dinner were Harold and Anna Schermbeck, Randy and Amy Schwinn and kiddies, Dave and Julie Zule and kiddies.
The harvest has come to a close here in our area and just at the Thanksgiving season. So much to be thankful for, the dry weather, so our men could get in the fields and finish. Now you will see them out there turning up the soil for the next crops. “The Life of the Farmer!”
L.J. and Gertrude Chrisman had a Thanksgiving dinner at their home in Springdale on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22, with their children, Steve Chrisman, Joyce and Kenny Webb, Darryl and Valerie Lafferty, Brett and Whitney.
Wayne and Anabel Knapp hosted a Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. Nov. 22. Those attending were Estal and Judy Knapp of Severy, Terry and Debbie, Ryan and Shannon Tindale of Fredonia, Kirk, Chris and Austin Knapp, Syd North and Grandma Dee Bayless of Valley Falls.