McLouth Happenings
McLouth United Methodist Church will celebrate its 40th anniversary with a worship service at 11 a.m., and an open house at 2 p.m., Sunday. After the worship service, prior to the celebration, the Youth Fellowship will provide a spaghetti dinner at 12:15 p.m. Cost of the dinner is by donation. Come and share in the fun and fellowship. All who have ever been part of the ministry and history of the church are invited.
Women are invited for Fun and Fellowship at Countryside Baptist Church, 10328 Wellman Road, at 7 p.m. Monday.
“Parents As Teachers” and the McLouth Library are joining forces, alternating “playgroup” and “story time” from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Library / Community Center. “Dinosaur Fun” is the theme for October. The schedule is as follows: Oct 4: Parents As Teachers Playgroup; Oct. 11: Library’s Story Time; Oct 18: Parents As Teachers Playgroup; Oct. 25: Library’s Story Time; and from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30: Playgroup Costume Party. “Parents As Teachers” is a fun, free, early-learning program for parents of children, prenatal through 3 years. Contact Jennifer Klamm, parent educator, for more information: or (913) 845-1519.
A charity golf tournament sponsored by Friends of McLouth High School Inc. will be Sunday, Oct. 14, at Village Greens Golf Course in Ozawkie. All proceeds will be used to provide scholarships and support school activities for McLouth USD 342. The four-person scramble begins with a “shotgun start” at 8 a.m. Fee is $200 per team, which includes green fees, golf cart, lunch, and more. Registration is at 7:30 a.m. Questions? Call Mike Tullis: (913) 796-6160.