Jarbalo Jottings
Fleet and Margie Chaney of Kansas City, Kan., visited Orville and Rosie Oelschlaeger Wednesday night. Visiting them Sunday were John and Janice Oelschlaeger, Amy and Erin, of Lawrence; Grace and Sarah Oelschlaeger of Ottawa; Kayla Oelschlaeger of Osage City.
David and Jane Turner went Saturday to Baldwin City for a meeting of the Santa Fe Trail Leather Artists Guild. They visited David Jr. and Tracey Turner and Sydney of McLouth Sunday afternoon.
Last week, Christine Black, her children and grandchildren all went to be with Christine’s father, Chris Schmutz, in Branson, Mo. They were there to help him celebrate his 90th birthday. They stayed for several days.
The annual community BBQ at Jarbalo United Methodist Church will be from 5 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 8. Everyone is invited. Bring a side dish or dessert and come get acquainted with your neighbors. The meal will be in the basement and entertainment upstairs.
Jarbalo United Methodist Church will have a rummage and bake sale Sept. 21-22. Exact times have not been set yet.
Frances Frick and Russell of Spokane, Wash., visited Thamar Barnett and other friends and relatives recently.