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Jarbalo Jottings

By Thamar Barnett - | Jul 10, 2012

Those visiting Thamar Barnett a week ago Sunday were Kipp Barnett, Loren Barnett, Kersten Barnett, Taylor Barnett, Jesse Barnett, Jessica Blevins, Eric Barnett and David and Jane Turner.

Christine Black visited Ben Black and family Saturday in Wellsville.

Jim and Jean Murry had a cookout July 1. Mike and Sue Murry of Beckley, W.V., were honored guests. There were 24 family members from Springfield, Mo., Lee’s Summit, Mo., Eudora, McLouth and Gardner. Mike and Sue went from here to Salina to visit Sue’s folks. They are now back home.

I have a new great-grandson, Kaleb Dean Siefkas, born July 6 at Allen County Hospital in Iola. His parents are Rhiannon Mooberry and Ryan Siefkas of Iola.

The dry weather is not doing the flowers a lot of good, but on top of that, my hollyhocks have rust and blister beetles have stripped the leaves off my sweet autumn clematis plants on the front fence.