McLouth Happenings
Stacey Rathert will be the featured artist at the John Steuart Curry Boyhood Home and Museum at Old Jefferson Town June 23-24 in Oskaloosa during the Old Settler’s Reunion Celebration.
Stacey Rathert is an artist originally from a small farm in Lancaster. She graduated from Atchison County Community High School in 2006 and attends St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Nortonville.
In many ways, her upbringing on a farm in northeast Kansas has prepared her and influenced her decision to become a sculptor. She learned to weld at a young age and learned a lot about hard work. These lessons later gave way to an interest in things that are hands-on and require hard work to accomplish.
While ferrous metals are consistent in her sculpture, her concepts have a broad range. A piece titled “True.Love.Waits.” is a chastity belt that examines the ideas of purity, virginity, and abstinence. The piece suggests that the idea of abstinence is just as old fashioned and out-of-date as the chastity belt itself, yet the title and the delicate treatment of the “garment” suggests that waiting until marriage can still be romantic.
The hours of the exhibit are from 1-4 p.m. Saturday and 1:30-4 p.m. Sunday.
McLouth Public Library’s Book Discussion Group will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 25. For more information, please call 913-796-2225.
Enjoy Tonganoxie’s Community Band Concert at 7 p.m. June 26, at the VFW Park. There is no charge for admission. A food stand will open at 6 p.m. Bring your lawn chairs. VFW Park is located at 910 E First Street in Tonganoxie.
— Please submit McLouth Community information, announcements and upcoming events to Beverly Muzzy: or 913-796-6935.