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Remember When: A Community Review

By Billie Aye - | Jun 19, 2012

10 years ago: June 5, 2002

McKenzie Walters takes a backward leap as she jumps feet-first into the deep end of the Tonganoxie swimming pool. Jacob Bray, assistant pool manager, said attendance was heavy during summer vacation’s first full week. The highest attendance in one day so far has been 350. (Caption.)

(Caption under picture.) Veterans Jim Rogers and Joe Smith, current members of the American Legion, plan to become active in the Tonganoxie post. Jim Rogers wants to see the Tonganoxie American Legion chapter grow. A Vietnam veteran who lost both legs when he stepped on a land mine, Rogers has lived in Tonganoxie since 1980. He is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7026, Kansas City, Kan., American Legion Post 188, Armourdale, and the Disabled American Veterans Post 1.

Death: Lois Richardson, Leavenworth, died May 25, 2002.

Call of the wildlife: Diane Johnson, who operates the not-for-profit wild life rehabilitation center, Operation Wildlife, in southwest Leavenworth county, worries about the foundation’s budget, which is down 13 percent from a year ago. (A one-week supply of earthworms to feed baby robins costs $36 … A five-pound order of high-protein WildLife formula to feed eight baby raccoons for a week carries an $89 price.

25 years ago: June 3, 1987

Saturday, May 30, the VFW Post 9271 held a dedication for the new flag pole, a marker, which reads “Dedicated To All Veterans Who Served”, and the new flag, at the Park on Main Street. Two wreaths were placed at the foot of the pole in memory of Herman Kirkpatrick and William Robb. The Meadows Construction Co. Inc. donated the flag pole at the city park. Painting was done by Thorne’s Tree Service.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morrow, RR 1, Leavenworth, will celebrate their 65th Wedding Anniversary on June 14 with an open house hosted by family from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Elks Lodge.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reddington of Linwood received a Certificate of Congratulations on their 60th Wedding Anniversary from President and Mrs. Reagan.

Birth: Clinton J. and Jaime Walker of Tonganoxie are proud to announce the birth of their son, Lance Ryan Walker, born May 23, 1987.

Mildred Ruff won the camera last week at the new office, Herman’s Photos. In that same building, next to the legal printing, is a travel agency, and Mrs. Anna Mary Doege won the $100 cruise certificate, and Karen Corkins won the portrait.

50 years ago: June 21, 1962

Charles Lloyd Matthews, age 21, native of Tonganoxie, drowned late Sunday afternoon (June 17) during the confusion which occurred when the canoe in which he and four other persons were riding, overturned; Mrs. Florence Butterfield, age 67, Tonganoxie, passed away June 19, 1962; Mrs. Loretta Marie Wager, 39, San Antonio, formerly of Kansas City, Kan., was killed Saturday in a motor car accident.

William L. White’s story about John McKone and the fliers lost in the Bering Sea is published in condensed form in the July Reader’s Digest, just out. Also, the Tonganoxie Kiwanis Club has obtained 25 of the complete books, “The Little Toy Dog” and they are on sale to the public, priced $5.75. If you would like to have one of these books, contact Mac McKinsey or Virgil Morey.

Airman 2nd Class Gary Elston arrived home Tuesday evening from Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine, and is visiting with relatives and friends. He will return to the base early in July.

Linwood: Mrs.  Ollie Anderson became great-grandmother this week when Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nance announced the birth of a son at Richards-Gebauer Air Base.

75 years ago: May 27, 1937

In Tonganoxie since 1868, Cyrus Chas. Brown, 91, dies … He was the oldest settle — both in age and residence, here 69 Years. Friday morning, Winnie Brown, at her home west of Tonganoxie, found her father and thought he had fainted. But his long life had come to an end with heart trouble at the age of 91 years, 4 months and 12 days. (Mr. Brown was born Jan. 6, 1846, at Earith, Huntingdoneshire, England. He attended the Paris Exposition in 1866 and saw products displayed from the United States, so decided to immigrate. On Sept. 1, 1867, he left England for Philadelphia, arriving after a 20-day voyage. In 1868, he set out for the west by immigrant train. The fare from Philadelphia to Leavenworth was $20. Arriving in Kansas, Mr. Brown made his way to a friend’s settlement at Springdale, March 1, 1868, and moved to the new town of Tonganoxie because it was on the railroad.

Basehor News: Mrs. Ferris Roberts entertained 15 little girls Tuesday evening in honor of Ruth Helen’s 10th birthday.

100 years ago: June 6, 1912

Dr. W. R. Gladman was in Kansas City Friday to visit a cousin whom he had never seen, although she is now over 75 years old.

Tonganoxie people did not seem to enthuse over having a suffrage meeting so did not turn out Friday night to hear the speeches.

Jacob Becker was out from the Soldier’s Home Saturday. He says the population of the home is rapidly decreasing by deaths.

Will Loomis and Fred Gress came in from Kansas City with their new Reos. Ed McNerney will have his soon.

Mrs. J. P. Coe died at her home in Kansas City, Mo., yesterday morning at four o’clock, after a long illness resulting from a fall in which one of her hips was broken; S. D. Talbert, a son of Mrs. Rebecca Ballard, died in a hospital Monday in Kansas City at the age of 57 years.