Council to have work session

Estuardo Garcia
The Tonganoxie City Council will begin budget talks next week as the city prepares to lay out its 2013 budget.
The council will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday for a work session in the council chambers, 321 Delaware.
Firework stands approved
More fireworks stands will be available for the Independence Day firecracker enthusiasts.
The council approved tent locations Monday for Anthony Miller at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 1100 West St.; Jesse Wallace at 1520 E. U.S. Highway 24-40; and Shann Trieb at 105 E. Fifth St. and 420 Stonecreek Ave.
The council approved all unanimously, with council member Chris Donnelly abstaining from Shann Trieb’s stands. Donnelly’s wife, Susan Donnelly, is listed as the property owner with Stonecreek Development for the Stonecreek Avenue site.
City attorney Mike Kelly requested that Trieb, who was at the meeting, submit a letter to City Hall stating his current address. There were various addresses listed in the application forms. Trieb said one address was of his parents’ home, another of his former address before moving to his current address. He told the council he would submit the information.
Other business
Also Monday, the council:
• Approved a retroactive adjustment for three Tonganoxie Water Park employees totaling $50.88. Darren Shupe, water park director, usually increases wages by 25 cents each year with a cap of $8 per hour, but inadvertently omitted three employees from the his salary sheet for 2012. Two employees now will receive a wage of $8 per hour each and another $7.50.
• Approved Liberty National as an additional provider of supplemental insurance to city employees. Council member Dennis Bixby asked for city staff to look into the possibility of council members purchasing supplemental insurance as well.
City Administrator Nathan McCommon said the move would have no budget impact. The city would deduct any premiums from the insured employee’s paycheck.
• Met in executive session for a total of 35 minutes. The council met with Kelly and McCommon for 15 minutes to discuss real estate acquisition, another 15 minutes for trade secrets of a third party and another 5 minutes for attorney-client privilege.
• Approved Ordinance No. 1345, which excludes property owners along hiking and biking trails from being responsible for snow and ice removal from sidewalks in front of their properties and making repairs to the sidewalk.
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• Heard from council member Dennis Bixby, who offered to spruce up areas of the former city shop at Third and Main streets with paint collected at a past citywide cleanup. Fellow council members approved of the offer.