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Jarbalo Jottings

By Thamar Barnett - | May 15, 2012

Jarbalo United Methodist women met Wednesday at the church. Plans were made for the tea in June. There will be a work day at 1:30 p.m. May 18 to make some crafts for the tea.

Six members reported a total of 43 care calls in the last month.

Rosie Oelschlaeger had the lesson and read the Power of Positive Feedback. She also served refreshments to Christine Black, Frances Jeannin, Marilyn Oxley, Faye Cleavinger and Thamar Barnett.

Memorial Day services at Fall Creek Cemetery will be at 2 p.m. on May 27. Pastor Vern Welkner of High Prairie Church will lead the service.

Pat Jeannin took his mother, Frances Jeannin, out to eat Saturday at Bob Evans. On Mothers Day, Frances had lunch with Phil and Pam Jeannin and family. Sunday evening, she had supper with Kenny and Wanda Jeannin and their family.

David Jr. and Tracey Turner and Sydney and Annabella Hundley visited David and Jane Turner on Mother’s Day.

Orville and Rosie Oelschlaeger visited Mark Oelschlaeger at Overland Park Rehab Facility Sunday afternoon. They ate dinner at a nearby Bob Evans. Gary Oelschlaeger had lunch with Orville and Rosie Saturday. Frances Jeannin visited Orville and Rosie Friday.

Lynn and Isaac Heskett of Moran and Julie and Shianne Carter of Iola visited Thamar Barnett Friday evening and Saturday. Other family members visiting Saturday or Sunday were David and Jane Turner, Steve and Gail Fitzwater, Tammy Mooberry, Kathy Stimac, Terry Drennon and Kipp Barnett. Jess Barnett had to work, so he sent a message.