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Leavenworth County Commission agenda: week of May 21

By Staff | May 18, 2012

A World War I doughboy statue stands outside the Leavenworth County Courthouse.

The Leavenworth County Commission meets regularly at 9 a.m. each Monday and Wednesday at the Leavenworth County Courthouse, 300 Walnut St. in Leavenworth.

Agenda for the week of May 21:

Monday, May 21

9 a.m.: Public comment/administrative business/administrator’s report

  • Approval of minutes of May 17
  • Approval of board order prohibiting the carrying of a concealed handgun in any county-owned or county-operated building.
  • Mark Wilson, solid waste director — authorization for price adjustments

Tuesday, May 22

Noon: Mid-America Regional Council board meeting

1 p.m.: Commissioner Bob Holland to attend the DARE graduation at Salt Creek Valley School

Thursday, May 24

9 a.m.: Public comment/administrative business/administrator’s report

  • Approval of minutes of May 21
  • Approval of agenda for week of May 28

9:30 a.m.: Jeff Joseph, planning and zoning director

  • Case No. 16-12: Consideration of the adoption of the Official Zoning Map for the unincorporated area of Leavenworth County.
  • Case No. 18-12: Consideration of the preliminary plat for the Redbud Ridge Subdivision (two lots). Request submitted by Larry Harkradar via D.G. White and Associates.

Friday, May 25

9 a.m.: Northeast County Officials annual meeting at the Fisher Center, 201 East Iowa, Hiawatha