Team Tongie Trail Run results
Here are the individual results from the 2012 Team Tongie Trail Run.
Under 20 Male
- Brad Andrews, 19:10; 2. Austin Boatwright, 19:58; 3. Dylan Staatz, 20:48; 4. Andrew Behm, 21:13; 5. Sean Ketchum, 25:22.
Under 20 Female
- Kourtni Freemyer, 28:18; 2. Samantha White, 34:06; 3. Sierra Staatz, 38:21; 4. Annaliese Colacicco, 38:17; 5. Erin Colacicco, 39:08.
21-30 Male
- Jonathan Farris, 28:19.
21-30 Female
No entries
31-40 Male
No entries
31-40 Female
- Becky Pruitt, 24:21; 2. Shawna Gilmore, 24:59.
41-50 Male
- Mark Zerrer, 20:36; 2. Kenny Ketchum, 25:23; 3. David Frese, 28:30; 4. John Tollefson, 29:05; 5. Ken Freemyer, 31:54; 6. Alan Staatz, 33:03; 7. Geoff Hanson, 34:25.
41-50 Female
- Reann French, 31:14; 2. Debra Staatz, 33:03; 3. Jilanda White, 34:08; 4. Kathy Ramsier, 34:25; 5. Jan Morey, 39:26; 6. Erika Calacicco, 39:28.
51 and over Male
- Bill Mages, 21:48; 2. Tim Wagner, 28:10; 3. Burt Morey, 37:27.
51 and over Female
- Pam Slawson, 29:29.