Remember When: A Community Review
10 years ago: Aug. 28, 2002
Granite boulder a fixture in McLouth: (Caption under picture.) This granite boulder sits on Granite Street in McLouth. Nearly a century ago, residents tried — but failed — to remove it. Now residents of the town simply drive around it. (The article said that for newcomers, the rock, which is at least the size of the top half of a Volkswagon beetle, may come as a surprise.)
Death: Kathy Lee Murdock, 33, Weston, Mo., (formerly of Tonganoxie), died Aug. 22, 2002.
Mildred Papenhausen, Leavenworth, former Tonganoxie resident, will be honored with an 88th birthday celebration Sept. 8, 2002. (A fajita supper was to be given in Shawnee and an address was given so cards could be sent to her home.)
Air Force Airman Rebecca S. Werts has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio.
Descendants of William and Rebecca Brown and Rev. and Sara Daniel will gather Sept. 15 for their 41st annual reunion. The reunion will be at the American Legion Hall in Oskaloosa. It will begin with a potluck lunch at 12:30, followed by a short business meeting and a time of fellowship.
25 years ago: Aug. 26, 1987
(Picture) Mr. and Mrs. Don Huebner had their grade school age granddaughters Caitlin, Molly and Ashley and a friend, Julie, visit them this week. The girls live in Johnson county, and had a good time playing in the country. While accompanied by a pet dog, they came across a National Weather Bureau balloon, parachute and container. They reported their finding to the grandparents before picking up the object. The package said to return to sender, so before a trip to the Post Office, we captured the group’s adventure.
The Guthrie family of Basehor received their black belts in Tae Kwon Do Karate, Monday, Aug. 24. Bob, Barbara and their 11-year-old son, Stephen were presented their black belts by their instructor, Mr. Rex Hutton. Their oldest son, Michael, 16 years old, has been promoted to first degree black belt since June 1987. (Picture.)
Deaths: Reatha Myrtle Rice, 79, Alton, Mo, died Aug. 18, 1987 at the home of her daughter in Tonganoxie; William Davis Denholm, Sr., 91, Tonganoxie, passed away Aug. 19, 1987.
A fire of unknown origin destroyed the William Lux RV Thursday morning. The fire department responded quickly but could not save the vehicle.
50 years ago: Sept. 13, 1962
Jarbalo Items: Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mason and family have moved to a farm near Lawrence, where Dean is employed.
Fairmount: Mrs. H. W. Klinkenberg returned to her home in Leavenworth after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. V.C. Starns and Mr. and Mrs. James Seeman and family.
Basehor: The Basehor HDU members went through the Palmolive Peet Soap Company Wednesday in Kansas City.
Reno: Reno Community Club will meet at the school Friday, Sept. 14th. The meeting will honor the Reno teachers. Everyone come meet the teachers and see the improvements made at the school. Everyone bring cake and sandwiches.
75 years ago: Aug. 19, 1937
A. J. Taylor, age 84, died at his home Saturday night, west of the Friends Church in Tonganoxie. A foot infection, which started while he was in Texas last winter, spread and, together with his advanced age, caused his death. The passing of Mr. Taylor removes a well-liked citizen who has been a character in our community over a period of 20 years.
The 11th annual fair is now just two weeks away, with preparations entering the final stages. Albert Conley, amusement concession chairman, has lined up an imposing list of attractions, including one outfit with seven rides, etc., a merry-go-round, etc. (The Weekly News Reel stated: The fair boosters are starting on the heavy end of this year’s fair. The first year on the new fair grounds will be the hardest. If it is a big success this year, everybody will jump in. A little help goes a long way.)
From “It Happened in Kansas” by F.A. Cooper: Super Salesman. In 1886, a salesman changed the course of the Rock Island R. R. and founded a city. This was accomplished in a corridor of the Copeland Hotel in Topeka, where he had found M. A. Low, construction president after tracing him through eastern Kansas. Knowing that several city delegations were out for the same purpose he claimed full authority and made such a liberal offer that the road was re-routed to his “city” — the salesman was M. D. Herington and his city — Herington, was a flat expanse of naked prairie that he had just purchased for $2.50 an acre … False teeth were used by Prof. E.V. Floyd of the Physics Department of Kansas State College, in a machine which he devised to test the toughness of beef in ratio to the feeding.
100 years ago: Aug. 29, 1912
T. W. Martin of Linwood was in town Saturday with his family.
Boyd Lawrence was one of the old settlers who came over from Lawrence last week to mix at the picnic.
Miss Edith Laming who is one of a party that visited Yellowstone National Park and then went on to the Pacific coast, sailed Saturday from Seattle for a tour to Alaska. The Alaskan trip was a surprise to her.
Carl Todd, who was teaming with the army, was brought home Monday. The army doctors thought he had typhoid, but Carl is getting better and probably is not afflicted with that trouble.
Charlie Harvey, for many years a resident of Tonganoxie, died Aug. 6 in Sebastopol, Calif.