McLouth Happenings
Rehearsals for the spring session of University of Saint Mary community band begin at 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 14, in the Walnut Room, second floor of Mead Hall on USM campus, 4100 South Fourth St., in Leavenworth. This volunteer ensemble community band is made up of USM students, faculty and staff, as well as selected home-schooled students and students from area high schools and amateur and professional musicians from the surrounding area. The band will perform a spring concert.
Participation in the band is free and no auditions are required. Weekly rehearsals will take place on Monday evenings. For more information, contact Freda Proctor, assistant professor of music and USM’s instrumental music coordinator: 913-758-6320.
At the last meeting of the McLouth Friendship Club, it was decided that rather than meeting every month, they will meet four times during the year. Mark your calendars with these dates: Jan. 21: soup luncheon; April 15: hosting the National Honor Society students; Nov. 18: Thanksgiving dinner.
McLouth Friendship Club’s covered dish luncheon will be at 11:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 21, at the community center. Several have signed up to bring soup. Suggested additions are crackers, cheese, relish plates and desserts. All adults over 50 are welcome. Please bring your table service.
— Please submit McLouth community information, announcements, and upcoming events to Beverly Muzzy: or 913-796-6935.