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Kansas GOP candidates announce endorsements

By The Associated Press - | Oct 8, 2014

? Three Kansas Republicans seeking re-election to statewide office are touting endorsements from other GOP elected officials.

U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts’ re-election campaign announced Tuesday that he has the backing of conservative Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn. Roberts’ campaign said earlier that Coburn would participate with Roberts in five events Thursday and Friday as part of a bus tour.

Roberts is in a tough re-election race with independent candidate and Olathe businessman Greg Orman.

Meanwhile, Gov. Sam Brownback had a news conference Tuesday outside the Johnson County Courthouse in Olathe to tout endorsements from District Attorney Steve Howe and Sheriff Frank Denning.

Brownback’s race for re-election against Democrat Paul Davis is currently considered a toss-up.

State Treasurer Ron Estes announced an endorsement from eastern Kansas Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins, a former state treasurer.