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John Brown to come to life again tonight at Tonganoxie Community Historic Site

By Shawn Linenberger - | Sep 23, 2014

Tonganoxie Community Historic Site, 201 W. Washington St. near U.S. Highway 24-40.

John Brown has come to life in re-enactments at the Black Jack Battlefield in southern Douglas County and at other venues, including area classrooms.

On Tuesday, he will come to life at the Tonganoxie Community Historic Site.

Kerry Altenbernd, who has portrayed the famous abolitionist at Black Jack and elsewhere since 2006, will do the same at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the historical society’s monthly meeting.

Refreshments will be served for the presentation, which is open to the public. The Lawrence Journal-World’s Chad Lawhorn recently profiled Altenbernd. To read the feature, click here.

The Tonganoxie Community Historical Society features a speaker each month as part of the organization’s history series.

The monthly meeting generally is the fourth Tuesday of each month.

For more information, contact Bill Peak at 913-484-4825.