McLouth Happenings
Meals On Wheels exists to nourish the elderly and/or homebound people in our community. Regular, diabetic, mechanical (ground food), and renal (special kidney/dialysis diet) meals are available for delivery in McLouth. For more information, please call Meals on Wheels of Shawnee and Jefferson Counties: 785-295-3980.
Election Day is Tuesday. For Voters in McLouth USD 342, a very important issue will appear on your April ballot:
“Shall Unified School District No. 342, Jefferson County, Kansas (McLouth), issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $3,425,000, to pay the estimated costs to (a) make improvements, renovations, and additions to the existing school building, including a commons area, cafeteria and kitchen addition and equipment, (b) construct and equip a storm shelter addition to the existing elementary school building, (c) repair and replace roof areas of district buildings, (d) replace the track at the existing track and football facility, and (e) make all other appurtenant improvements in the District; all pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 10-101 et seq.; K.S.A. 25-2018(f); and K.S.A. 72-6761?”
You are being asked to make an important decision regarding your school district and the students who attend USD 342: a cafeteria and kitchen addition, storm shelter in the elementary wing, partial roof replacement and track replacement.
Approval of the proposed school bond election would increase the mill levy for debt service a projected 5.55 mills.
There will be one final informational town hall meeting before the election. It will be 5 p.m. today in the school cafeteria.
Attending these meetings will give all patrons of the McLouth School District a much clearer idea of what is planned and the future cost to taxpayers. All voters are encouraged to attend.
Everyone is invited to attend Holy Week services in the McLouth area.
All evening Services begin at 7 p.m.
• Today: McLouth Church of the Nazarene (Youth Service).
• Maundy Thursday, April 2: McLouth First Baptist Church.
• Good Friday, April 3: McLouth United Methodist Church.
• Easter Sunday morning sunrise service (April 5): McLouth Church of the Nazarene will host the community sunrise service at 7 a.m.
All of McLouth’s churches will hold their traditional Easter worship services.
• First Baptist Church will hold two Easter Sunday services: 8:30 a.m. and 10:45.
• Tonganoxie Friends Church, 404 Shawnee St. in Tonganoxie, welcomes everyone to their 8 a.m. Easter service, followed by breakfast.
Join us for a good family evening of “Pickin’ and Grinnin'” Music and Fellowship at Tonganoxie Friends Parsonage at 7 p.m. April 10. Bring your guitar, banjo, etc., and share in the fun.
— Please submit McLouth community information, announcements and upcoming events to Beverly Muzzy; or 913-796-6935.