Tonganoxie City Council agenda for the Feb. 2, 2015, meeting
Estuardo Garcia
Open Meeting
7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 2
Council chambers, 321 Delaware St.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Consent Agenda
a) Approval of Minutes – Regular Meeting dated January 20, 2015
b) Consider Approval of Bills – Approve Pay Ordinance A-1748
c) Consider approval of payment to Blue Cross and Blue Shield for health
insurance in the amount of $28,391.45
d) Consider approval of payment to Hamm, Inc. for a rock purchase in the amount
of $3,183.02
e) Consider approval of payment to Wildcat Concrete Services for 24/40 signal
construction in the amount of $27,758.60
Open Agenda
“Members of the public are welcome to use this time to comment about any matter
relating to City business. The comments that are discussed under Open Agenda may or
may not be acted upon by the Council during this meeting. Please wait to be recognized
by the Mayor, then state your name and address and all comments are to be directed
to the chair.”
III. Old Business
IV. New Business
a) Request for donation of 2015 family pool pass to Genesis Christian Academy
b) Request for reduced utility connection fees for senior living apartments –
Kathleen Bole, Development Manager, Cohen-Esrey Affordable Partners
c) Second Reading, Ordinance 1390, Amending Section 2, Article 19, Section 200 of
the Standard Traffic Ordinance for Kansas Cities, 2014 Edition
d) Estimating new revenue and amending budget authority in the Capital Projects Fund
e) City Administrator Agenda
- Report on the business license application
f) City Attorney Agenda
- Update on common wall title transfer
g) Mayor Agenda
- Discussion on building permits discount program
h) Council President Agenda
i) City Council Agenda
- Discussion of future capital projects that may be shared by the City and
Leavenworth County
- Form of government: mayor-council-manager and commission-manager
- Farmers market: Bill Peak
- Standing Committees
a. Retail Commercial Development Committee, Bill Peak, Chair
i. Downtown “pocket park”
b. Infrastructure Committee, Jim Truesdell, Chair
c. Industrial Park Committee, Chris Donnelly, Chair
V. Information & Communications (No Action Required)
- Women’s self-defense class announcement
VI. Adjourn