Tonganoxie to hold line on 2025 budget
The city of Tonganoxie plans to hold the line on its mill levy rate for the 2025 budget year.
Assistant City Manager Dan Porter discussed the budget during Monday’s regular City Council meeting.
Porter reminded council members that the budget hearing will be at 7 p.m. Sept. 3 at the start of the next regular meeting at Council Chambers, Third and Bury streets.
The council recently approved the initial budget for publication, as it ran in the this past week’s print edition of The Mirror (Aug. 14) as is required by state statute.
The mill rate is 40.757, which is up just slightly from the 2024 rate of 40.695. The slightly higher rate is due to the library’s portion of the budget, which calls for a line-item of 5.066, up slightly from the 2024 rate of 4.999. The amount budgeted for library employee benefits, meanwhile, is down slightly at 1.3777 mills compared to 1.382 for 2024.
Residents will have the opportunity to offer comments during the budget hearing before council members give a final vote on the budget at the Sept. 3 meeting. Meetings generally are the first and third Monday of each month, but the Sept. 3 meeting falls on a Tuesday because Labor Day is the day before.