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Remeber when: a community review

By Billie Aye - | Nov 28, 2001

10 years ago: Dec. 4, 1991

The children, grandchildren and one great-grandchild of the late Goerge and Pearl Henik held their belated Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, Dec. 1, at the Linwood community building.

Deaths: Betty L. Heintzelman, a lifelong Leavenworth resident, age 68, died Dec. 1, 1991; James B. Jeannin, 72, Leavenworth, passed away Dec. 1, 1991; Kenneth C. Coonfield, 84, Bonner Springs, died Nov. 30, 1991; Mildred M. Pool, 81, Bonner Springs, died Nov. 29, 1991.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Scott Elston Gawron of Ocean City, NJ, announce the birth of their son, Kyle Elston Gawron, Nov. 20, 1991; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baragary of Tonganoxie are the proud parents of a son born Oct. 16, 1991. He was named Austin Red Baragary; Debby Dobbins and Pete Wood, rural Tonganoxie, proudly announce the birth of their daughter, Dena LeAnna Wood, born July 14, 1991.

About all Ahman Karr can say about being a Pearl Harbor survivors is that he was there and it was different. He claims to be no hero. He was a draftee from Kansas 50 years ago. “I wasn’t no hero or anything,” the Tonganoxie man said. “I was just there.”

Mr. Karr was an army cook at Fort Shaftner and was just three miles from the heart of America’s Pacific fleet on Dec. 7, 1941.

25 years ago: Dec. 1, 1976

Deaths: Mrs. Willie Lee Pollock, age 74, Tonganoxie, passed away Nov. 26, 1976; Donald E. Campbell, 41, Fairbanks, Ala., died Nov. 20, 1976; Mrs. Christine Emilie Stout, age 96, died Nov. 27, 1976, in Silver Springs, Md. Born in Reno, Kan., Mrs. Stout was the youngest child of Christian and Sophia Halsted, pioneer settlers in eastern Kansas. She spent her girlhood in Tonganoxie, where she married the late Linton Campbell Stout in 1903.

Birthday party honors young Springdale resident: Jeanette Schwinn celebrated her fifth birthday Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Schwinn. (List of guests followed.)

Mrs. Richard Peine of McLouth gave a birthday dinner for her husband and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Selma Peine, of Tonganoxie, on Sunday. Both birthdays are on the same day, Dec. 2.

Mr. and Mrs. Bo Himpel returned Monday evening from a week’s trip to visit relatives in California.

Mr. and Mrs. John Pence of Manhattan visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner. The Pences were enroute home from Indiana where they spent the Thanksgiving holidays.

50 years ago: Dec. 13, 1951

Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ditty announce the birth of a son on Dec. 9, 1951. The baby boy has been named Gary Alan.

The lobby of the Royal Theater has been decorated in holiday style by Mrs. Raymond Handley.

Old timer tells us an icicle formed on the corner of his porch in 1908 that measured seven feet long. The porch began to give way, so he cut it down. Estimated weight, 750 pounds. Most people can’t deny something that happened in 1908.

Stranger Valley Echoes: We wish we could say something that would alleviate what is in the hearts of the parents, brother and sisters of Daniel McGraw, who was brought home from Korea and buried Monday. May they somehow find peace within that is absent in the external world. They had a saying of old, pax vobiscum peace unto you.

75 years ago: November 25, 1926

Alva E. Whie, 68, died at his home Nov. 21, 1926; Dr. Bud Smith, a well-known druggist in Leavenworth, died Saturday morning at his residence in Leavenworth; L.D.L. Tosh, who died in Kansas City, was one of three first-year graduates of Kansas University in 1873.

Reno: Margaret Sanders attended a birthday supper of Margaret Kelsall’s Tuesday evening, Nov. 16. She was 12 years old.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Botts report the birth of an eight and a half-pound boy, Nov. 23, 1926.

Mound Vicinity: Mr. and Mrs. Alford Coffman report the birth of a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Othal Wiley announce the birth of a daughter on Nov. 19.

Jarbalo: C. Yonally had the misfortune of his car burning up last Tuesday night.

Stanwood: Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Lobb report the birth of a son on Sunday, Nov. 21, 1926.

Eagle District Ralph Karr trucked hogs to Kansas City for Clarence Bridges Tuesday.

Robert Scott,13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Scott of McLouth, died Saturday evening. Funeral services were held Monday in McLouth.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mills announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday, Nov. 20. They named her Janet Maurine.

100 years ago: December 5, 1901

The German word kahn means canoe. A few years ago there lived a German farmer named Kahn in an adjoining county who had an only son, whom he frequently thrashed. Was this paddling his own canoe?

Wallula: Jake Rhodes, an old settler, died suddenly last week.

Jim Curtis caught a pedunculated peduncle the other day, and has it on exhibition at his store.

Wm. Evans, known by all as “Uncle Billy” died Nov. 23 from disease incident to old age. He was an old settler here and respected by all.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Laming entertained 19 out-of-town guests Thanksgiving day.

Last Saturday was the 45th anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Ferd Borst.

Luther Modlin and Ezra Freeman are building a mobile sawmill and will move it from place to place to saw wood.