Some tips on how to fly flags
As more and more area residents fly the American flag in support of the United States, it’s important to know how to properly display the flag.
The flag should be displayed only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on outdoor flagstaffs. It may be displayed 24 hours a day, only if illuminated with a spotlight during darkness.
When displayed horizontally or vertically against a wall or window, the union should be uppermost and to the left of the observer.
No other flag or pennant should be placed above the U.S. flag.
The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, floor or water. And it should not be displayed on bad-weather days, except when an all-weather flag is displayed.
When a flag is tattered or faded and no longer is fit to display, it should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.
Anyone who would like to have a flag disposed of may call any active member of Tonganoxie’s Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 9271.
“I disposed of about a dozen last night,” said Larry Meadows, a trustee of the post. “We burn them. We don’t burn them in public. We don’t have a ceremony. We privately take care of them. We see to it that they’re completely destroyed so that no part of the flag is ever left.”
Among post members who will take care of flags for area residents are Harold Denholm, Harold Putthoff, Chip Marquardt, Art Miller and Wilbur Henson.