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Leavenworth teen named Shrine Rodeo queen

By Staff | Aug 21, 2002

Rebecca Abramovitz, a rural Leavenworth resident, was crowned the 2002 Abdallah Shrine Rodeo Queen during Thursday’s rodeo at Kem-per Arena in Kansas City, Mo.

The 16-year-old Abramovitz was awarded a hand-tooled saddle, as well as the traditional crown and sash. Rebecca was judged on her horsemanship and riding ability, poise and personality. She is the daughter of Brian and Susan Abramovitz.

In winning the Shrine Rodeo, Rebecca qualifies to advance to the Miss Rodeo Kansas competition held later this year.

Rebecca, who attends Lansing High School, has been active in academic and horse events in Leavenworth and is a member of the American Quarter Horse Youth Association, the Kansas State Horse Show Circuit and the 2001 Kansas American Quarter Horse Youth Association World team. She is a past showmanship champion at the Leavenworth County Fair and president of the Leavenworth County 4-H Horse Group. She is also a four-year member of the Kayette cabinet, the 2002 pep band director, a member of the marching band and jazz band. She is active in the International Thespian Society and the National Forensics League.

Barbara Scalet, Edgerton, was first runner up and Nicole Baker, Lancaster, was second runner up. The contestants awarded the title of Miss Congeniality to Haley Miller and Stephney Conklin, both of Kansas City, Kan.