4-H Foundation awards scholarships to students
The 4-H Club has existed for 100 years and, with 7 million participants, it’s the nation’s largest out-of-school youth activity program.
A handful of those members were on hand for the Leavenworth County 4-H Foundation’s annual meeting Saturday at the Leavenworth County Fairgrounds in Tonganoxie.
“We can celebrate the past but prepare for the future,” said Gary Gerhard, assistant director and program leader for 4-H youth development at Kansas State University.
Gerhard was the featured speaker, giving a speech on “100 years of 4-H.” He discussed what the four H’s stand for: Heart, Health, Head and Hands.
Although the 4-H has changed in Gerhard’s 30 years in the organization, particularly in the number of programs offered, he said it has been a stable organization.
“I think principles have stayed the same, but it’s adjusted to changes in society,” Gerhard said.
The meeting also included a song, “Where the Flag and Eagle’s Fly,” performed by Jason Miles.
The foundation presented 11 scholarships and announced Memory Lane Honorees at its 4-H dinner.
County seniors who each received $450 scholarships were:
Donald McGuire and Michael Mogle, both of Basehor.
Katherine Siebenmorgan, Easton.
Bryan Ross, Kansas City, Kan.
Jessica Bednarek, Erica Connel, Denise Gibbens, Jordan Glenn and Megan Theis, all of Leavenworth.
Alyson Baggett and Joshua Beying, both of Tonganoxie.
Donna Wiley, 4-H Foundation board member, said the meeting underscored the accomplishments of 4-H members.
“It’s just to have some continuity for giving the scholarships, and some stability,” Wiley said.
Memory Lane Honorees were Earl Parsons, Tonganoxie, and Ralph and Twila Rector, Leavenworth.
Parsons, 90, has lived in Leavenworth County his entire life. He financed and helped build the 4-H food stand at the Leavenworth County Fairgrounds and helped finance the Earl W. Parsons Leadership Lodge at Rock Springs 4-H Camp. For Parsons’ 90th birthday, he received roughly 950 birthday and thank you cards.
Ralph and Twila Rector have been involved in 4-H much of their lives. Ralph is a past president of the Kansas Association of Extension 4-H Agents and held office in NAE4HA, the national 4-H organization. He is also a member of Epsilon Sigma Phi. Ralph brought computerized record-keeping to the Leavenworth County Fair.
Denzel Gibbens, Debbie Staples and Carolyn Norman were introduced as new 4-H foundation board members, while Scotty Brezgiel finished her time on the board of directors.