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TV show makes call to local teen-ager

By Caroline Trowbridge - | Mar 26, 2003

If Susie Prosser hadn’t stretched the rules a little, her daughter never would have gotten the message that “Star Search” was looking for her.

Susie and her 14-year-old daughter, Paula, flew in mid-February to Chicago, where Paula auditioned with more than 200 young people for the CBS television show “Star Search.”

In her group were 19 other talented hopefuls, and Paula wasn’t convinced after the audition that her singing performance was strong enough to make the next cut.

“She thought the competition was tough and they probably would just pick one of that 20,” Susie Prosser said.

So they two boarded a plane. The Prossers had been told they would receive a call between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. if “Star Search” wanted Paula for a second audition.

“I was kind of rebellious and hadn’t turned my cell phone off,” Susie said.

The call came in, and mother and daughter stood up, got off the plane, made arrangements for their luggage to follow them and headed back into the heart of Chicago.

“It was very, very exciting,” Susie said.

After the second audition, officials with the show requested more videotapes of Paula — several more videotapes.

“Melissa Sturgis, bless her heart, would run over and tape her again during the evening, and we would send it off,” Susie said.

Just last week, the Prossers heard that Paula’s appearance on the show was set for 7 p.m. next Wednesday.

Paula and Susie will leave Saturday for Paula’s first trip to Hollywood. Buz Prosser will join his wife and daughter before the show.

Appearing on “Star Search” is a culmination of many hours of hard work, pageant appearances, voice instruction and dance lessons for Paula, who is a ninth-grader at Tonganoxie Junior High School.

“This is something that she’s been working on for a long time,” Susie said. “The possibilities are you lose and you just go home and everybody’s happy. If she wins, then CBS has a contract with them for, I think, three years. They can use them in performances and promotions.”

To vote for Prosser during the show, visit the CBS Web site: www.cbs.com and click on the “Star Search” link.