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Candidates and spin: Who tells the truth?

By Staff | Oct 16, 2006

Here are today’s headlines from the 2006 election race:

Election 2006

(KC Star) Candidates shading the truth in campaign talks: To hear Attorney General Phill Kline or Democratic challenger Paul Morrison talk, they will make sure Kansans will be free of murderers, rapists and all manner of miscreants. Of course, the reality is there’s little likelihood the state can be free of crime simply because one or the other is the state’s chief law enforcer. When Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius talks about what she’s done for the state without a tax increase and GOP challenger Jim Barnett bemoans the possibility of higher taxes, they’re not telling the whole story. Are they shading the facts? The candidates argue they aren’t, as if only the Sunday school truth passes from their lips.


(Hutchinson News) Barnett, Sebelius differ on approach to higher ed: The state’s incumbent governor and her opponent both see links between the state’s economy and increased funding for Kansas higher-learning institutions. But they differ on which approach the state must take to fund them adequately, grow the state’s economy, keep aging college buildings from fall- ing into disrepair and prevent students from facing an ever-increasing tuition burden.

(Topeka Capital-Journal) Balancing Act: Barnett sticks to core message: Cast originally as a moderate when he joined the Senate in 2000, Barnett careened to the right to pick up conservative votes during the Republican primary. The strategy worked and he easily won a crowded primary. The chore now is to get back to the middle. Four years ago, too many moderate Republicans — who aren’t as keen about the anti-abortion conservative agenda — skipped the fence to vote for Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius. “He has to return some of these Republicans back into voting for him,” said Kansas Republican Party chairman Tim Shallenburger. “It’s difficult to get through the rhetoric.”

2nd District Congress

(49abcnews.com) Candidates grilled by concerned voters: Curious voters grilled candidates on everything from education to tax breaks. But questions about where candidates stood on abortion and illegal immigration seem to steal the show. “I’m pro-life, I’ve been pro-life. I enjoy the opportunity to help defend those little voices that don’t have an opportunity to have a voice” Congressman Jim Ryun responded to questions about the abortion debate. And the hot seat didn’t cool there… “People are very concerned about Iraq, they’re concerned about their healthcare, immigration and they are clearly concerned about all of our jobs going over seas” said Congressional candidate Nancy Boyda. Boyda and Ryun say the event was an important opportunity for candidates to come face to face with voters they will serve.

3rd District Congress

(KC Star) Race stays under radar: Rep. Dennis Moore’s first four campaigns for Congress have been hard-fought, high-profile affairs. The Democrat’s victories in a Republican district have brought national attention to 3rd District campaigns – usually rating among the top 10 or 20 races in the nation, said Burdett Loomis, a political science professor at the University of Kansas. But, apparently, not this time. “This year, it’s not even in the top 50,” he said. So what makes 40-year-old Chuck Ahner, West Point graduate and Overland Park businessman, think he can defeat Moore, who has defeated all Republican comers in four previous elections?