Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room
Time for funnin’ is coming to an end. It’s back to school, so soon, so sudden it seems. For me, it’s back to the sewing room. I’ve got a bunch of catching up to do.
Several of you retirees say, “Just wish I had learned to sew along the way.” It’s never too late to learn. Start with mending. As I’ve recently promised some of you, I will come up with some tips to get you started.
Avoid problems before they happen. The old adage, “a stitch in time saves nine,” fits. Carefully check, as you sort the laundry or as laundry comes from the dryer, for loose buttons and such. Sew them back on before they pop off. If worn spots are reinforced before they go through the washer, the hole that’s about to appear can be warded off for a long time.
Close all zippers before laundering or cleaning. It keeps the garment in shape and lengthens the life of he zipper. If a zipper has jammed, if the fabric gets caught in the zipper, work very carefully and patiently. Pull the fabric out thread by thread, perhaps with a pair tweezers. If you’re not careful here, you could pull a tooth out of the zipper, and then of course you will have to replace it. However if it is a nylon or coil zipper, you’re in luck. Just fold the zipper over itself, right side together. Pinch the coil and pull it apart to remove the thread or fabric. Now pull the zipper down to the bottom and back up. It will close itself, or heal itself.
Check seams that may be breaking, small tears that will only unravel and get bigger in the washer. As you put seams back together, you begin to see just how that garment was put together in the first place.
More next week. Be contagious now, spread good cheer and be generous with those hugs, we all need them.
Pray for our world leaders and our troops.
Put God back on the front burner.
— Send correspondence to Aunt Norie at P.O. Box 265, Tonganoxie 66086 or at