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Jarbalo Jottings

By Thamar Barnett - | Jan 17, 2007

The Jarbalo United Methodist Women met for their monthly meeting last Wednesday at the church. President Marilyn Oxley called the meeting to order and Pastor Larry Grove gave the prayer. Eight members of the group answered roll call and reported 33 care calls.

Upcoming events were discussed. There will be love ribbons for sale at the church on Feb. 11. UMW Sunday will also be observed that day.

The Valentine shower for the church will be at the next UMW meeting, Feb. 14. That includes cleaning supplies, soaps for dishwashing and hands, toilet paper and paper towels.

The upcoming Pancake Supper on March 9 was discussed. Marilyn Oxley read a few articles and the rest of the meeting was devoted to filling out program books for 2007.

Marilyn Oxley served refreshments to Bid Sheppard, Faye Cleavinger, Frances Jeannin, Rosie Oelschlaeger, Gladys Steffen, Thamar Barnett and Pastor Larry Grove.

Tammy Mooberry and Rhiannon Mooberry of Leavenworth visited Thamar Barnett last Thursday evening.