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New director

By Joel Walsh - | Mar 14, 2007

Steve Jack, the new executive director of Leavenworth County Development Corp., led his first board of directors meeting Thursday at the Lansing Community Center.

“I’m sure that today will be a learning experience,” Jack said to city, county and business officials gathered at the meeting, “but I look forward to contributing soon.”

Lansing City Administrator Michael Smith gave the meeting’s feature presentation on capital improvements projects scheduled for Lansing in 2007.

LCDC’s president, Tony Kramer, also discussed issues regarding a possible National Bio and Agro-Defense facility near Fort Leavenworth.

Kramer said another public meeting about the facility will be set for the end of March, with potential site visits by the Department of Homeland Security occurring as soon as April.

“We’ve been getting a lot of good feedback on NBAF,” Kramer said. “The important thing is to keep everyone involved in the process.”

LCDC members unanimously approved a motion to support the concept of a regional airport in north Leavenworth County.