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Rember when: A community review (March 28, 2007)

By Billie Aye - | Mar 28, 2007

10 years ago: Feb. 26, 1997

Birth: Chuck and Erica Clark are proud to announce the birth of their son, Benjamin Charles. Benjamin was born Dec. 8, 1996.

Deaths: Ordvin L. Deitmaring, age 66, Tonganoxie, died Feb. 20, 1997, in Boston; Vernon L. Kesinger, 82, Lansing, died Feb. 20, 1997; Elza S. Martin, 85, Tonganoxie, died Feb. 19, 1997; Dorothy M. Northern, 84, McLouth, formerly of Basehor, died Feb. 23, 1997, in Winchester.

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Irwin will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house from 1 to 4 p.m. March 2 at the home of Steve and Liz Irwin in Tonganoxie. All friends and relatives are invited.

Thomas Minor, Tonganoxie, has signed a letter of intent to play football at Missouri Southern State College beginning next fall.

Mr. Robert Denholm and his wife, Sharon, left on Dec. 23 for Australia where Robbie (as we know him) was covering the wheat harvest in the country where it was summertime. Mr. Denholm has been employed permanently for the AGCO Corp. out of Kansas City, Mo., since January 1993.

25 years ago: Feb. 24, 1982

Mrs. Lillian Trapp was honored Feb. 6 by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company in Mission commemorating her 30 years of service. A tea was held for this occasion at 7400 Johnson Drive office. Lillian was presented a beautiful silver coffee and tea set for her 30 years with Bell, a necklace and a certificate showing her achievement.

Word has been received that Rev. and Mrs. Richard Young of Texas are the parents of a daughter, Joan Elizabeth, born Feb. 21. Mrs. Young is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McKinney of Tulsa, Okla. Mrs. McKinney was the former Zara Ann Zoellner of Tonganoxie.

Deaths: Jesse O. Barnett, Sr., 79, Rt. 1, Leavenworth, died Feb. 19, 1982; Alvy Cleo Pickens, age 75, Oskaloosa, died Friday.

Among the birthday cards received by Mr. William Denholm was a birthday congratulations from President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan.

McLouth News: McLouth Cub Pack No. 87 is planning to make a centennial edition cookbook of recipes from the McLouth community. These will be for sale during the 4th of July celebration and the Threshing Bee.

Pvt. Clinton Jay Walker will be home next week for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker and other relatives and friends. After his visit here he will be going to Egypt for a six-month tour of duty.

50 years ago:

March 14, 1957

Deaths: Mrs. Sarah Frances McVey, 89, grandmother of Mrs. Ed Hunter, passed away March 13, 1957, at her home in Bartlesville, Okla.; Oliver Winfield Sowers, 86, of Kansas City, and a former resident of Tonganoxie, died Wednesday; John Byron Niebaum of Wichita passed away March 10, 1957. He was born Sept. 5, 1893, in Leavenworth County.

Linwood: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elder, Jr., announce the birth of a son March 6 in Flagstaff, Ariz.

The Weekly News Reel: It is only a guess, but we think Don Harling is the only one in town driving a British made Jaguar convertible.

Jarbalo: Mrs. Robert Cleavinger and Mrs. Carl Dohrn received word of the death of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Benne, at her home in Chicago, Ill.

Birth: Mr. and Mrs. John Cox announce the birth of a daughter, March 11, 1957.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schilling and their sisters, Grace and Helen, will leave Friday for Salina to attend the ceremonies March 16, in which the Smoky Hill Air Force Base will be renamed in honor of their cousin, the late Col. David Schilling, the first man to pilot a jet fighter over both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The base will become the Schilling Air Force Base.

Jimmie Seeman, 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Seeman, Basehor, was awarded second prize of $75 for writing in 25 words or less how he would spend the money in the event he won a prize. Jimmie’s winning entry read: “I would buy a 4-H dairy calf to start a dairy herd to help with my college fund.”

75 years ago:

Feb. 18, 1932

Jean Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sanders of McLouth, passed away at 2:15 this a.m. of diphtheria. Her sister, Virginia, preceded her in death four years ago. We deeply regret her departure.

A cabin monoplane, flying just above the tops of the houses, showed up Monday about noon at Tonganoxie, evidently lost in the foggy weather. It appeared from the north, evidently following the railroad, flew low over Fourth St., over the depot, in trying to get the name of the town.

Mrs. E. E. Hoskins was called to St. Joseph, Mo., Monday afternoon, by the death of her brother, Frank Keesler.

West of Town: Sam Haas is driving three horses on a dump wagon working on Hubbel Hill.

Stranger: Mr. and Mrs. Harold McAlexander attended the funeral of his uncle, J. H. Horstman at Lansing, Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McKernan of Topeka announce the birth of a daughter, Sally Ann, Feb. 9, 1932. Mrs. McKernan was formerly Miss Blanche Phenicie of Reno.

The latest thing in the food line is canned biscuits. You can buy them ten in the can all ready to put in the oven. And lo, and behold, in a few minutes you will have golden brown biscuits ready to serve. Soon meals will appear with the same ease as to Aladdin, who had only to rub his famous lamp and wish for them.

100 years ago:

Feb. 28, 1907

A Sad Death: Mrs. Louis F. Needham died at her home at Neely, a little after 6 o’clock Sunday evening, and her death coming so unexpectedly was a shock to the family as well as to the entire community. Besides the husband she leaves two little girls, Kathryn, aged 4 years, and Helen, aged 2 years. Nellie W. Rule was born in Cherokee County, Kan., July 27, 1872. She was married to Louis F. Needham in 1898.

Robert Sample, 78 years old, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jos. Kinkaid, near Eagle last Sunday, of old age.

The Lansing News passed quietly away several weeks ago. The News was a good newspaper, but the Lansing atmosphere did not furnish enough sustenance to nourish it properly.

Our price on Wall paper will surely please you. 3 cents to 25 cents per roll. Zellner Merc. Co. (Ad.)

W. L. Leidy is moving the C. A. Leidy stock of merchandise into the room back of the Farmers & Merchants Bank, this week.

Ferd Borst has sold his restaurant to George Torpey. The deal was made the latter part of the week.

Tonganoxie had a fourth place the latter part of the week, where you could see snakes. But this fourth place did not need any booze to bring any snakes. A female snake charmer brought forth the snakes.