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Springdale News

By Staff | May 16, 2007

The W.H.M.S. of Springdale Friends Church met at 6 p.m. May 2 in the home of Jeanette Cole. Jeanette gave the opening “His Wondrous Works.” “The Old Rugged Cross” was sung. The lesson was “The Finished Quilt.” Devotions were 2 Timothy, verses 4, 7 and 8. Evelyn Schwinn led in prayer. The angel story, “Someone to Watch over Me,” was shared. Roll call was “An activity that is easy to start, hard to finish.” In business, minutes and treasurer’s report were approved. Letters from the Mission Fields were read. The meeting closed with singing “Blest Be the Tie.” Jeanette served a supper to all present. The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. June 6 with Linda Schwinn.

Peggy Gillaspie, Betty Heywood and Pastor Jason Fergerson all were celebrating May 6 birthdays on Sunday by giving a birthday offering at Springdale Friends Church.

Peggy’s boys and family had a cookout for her at Jeff’s home Sunday evening.

Jeanette Cole, Luke and Emily and Evelyn Schwinn treated Jason Fergerson to lunch in Leavenworth after church for his birthday.

Tom and Kathy Powell and sons Tommy and David Powell of Springdale played host to a birthday dinner for Tom’s mother, Donna Powell, on Sunday, April 29. Donna’s three sons, Doug, Jim and David Powell, her daughter, Lynne and Jim Atwell and son Bobby, all of Leavenworth, and Lucy Collingsworth were in attendance.

Anabel Knapp and Thelma Farris of Winchester attended the Mother and Daughter Banquet at the McLouth United Methodist Church on Wednesday, May 2. Sixty-eight mothers and daughters enjoyed a delicious potluck supper and a lovely program.

Wayne and Anabel Knapp attended the funeral of Kay Reese at 2 p.m. Monday, May 1, at McLouth United Methodist Church. She was a member of the church.

Michael Epler has been hired as the new county agent for Leavenworth County. He just graduated from Kansas State University. He will start his new job June. 1.

Wayne and Anabel Knapp had as guests for supper Friday evening, May 4, Ron Keith. The Springdale community wants to welcome him and his wife, June, to the community.

Kansas Highway 92 was closed from Sunday night, May 6, due to the flood and reopened Tuesday afternoon, May 8. Easton School was closed for two days due to high water.

Wayne and Anabel Knapp were Sunday evening, May 6, visitors of Mark, Linda Little, Staci and Dalton. They have completely remodeled their house and have it for sale.

Ralph and Linda Haley of Springdale have been vacationing in Branson, Mo., the week of May 9.

Esther Gardner, daughter of Nathan and Esther Gardner, graduated from Highland Community College on Thursday evening, May 10. Others attending were Sheila, John and Cora Moses, Mary Heston, Samantha and Nate.