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Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room

By Eleanor Mckee - | Feb 21, 2012

Sr. Joyce Rupp, O.S.M., titles this little jewel “Taming of the Tongue.” I read a wise adage urging, when about to speak out about another, ask yourself three questions: is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Only if the answer is yes to all three should you continue.

This took me back — way back — to my dad, who got into our minds, even when we were ever so small, always teaching us to think, to listen (oh how he dwelt on that one). He would often say “God even now knows what that mind of yours is doing right now”

He would often say “before you spout off, spell it out, write it down, think it over. That piece of paper you can tear up, erase or burn, but once you utter those words, it’s too late. It’s gone, it’s on the wind, to just keep on keepin’ on hurting someone, making someone feel so sad.”

He would always say “If you can’t say something good about someone, then don’t say anything at all”

I often think about dad and his “on the wind” ideas, as we know today so much more about those airwaves and what carriers they really are.

Yes, he taught us to listen well, and how important it is to remember, and to remember well. “You just never know how you may someday help someone,” he’d then usually chuckle. “Why, you might even solve a mystery for someone.” That was, of course, right down the alley of my brother, Larry.

I received a very nice email from Arizona recently. “My home town” means so much to so many, our roots, that anchor. A former resident of the Jarbalo area, she reads The Mirror every week, reads it “online, for many years now.” Moved to Arizona in 1965, “but I often think about those days and the people I grew up with.”

Thanks much, It was so nice hearing from you,

Take good care of today now. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is far away.

God Bless, and be happy.

— Aunt Norie, P.O. Box 265, Tonganoxie, KS 66086; auntnorie@att.net