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Springdale News

By Anabel Knapp - | Nov 27, 2012

Ed and Peggy Gillaspie, Jeff and Jenna Gillaspie and their girls spent the Nov. 18 weekend in Branson, Mo., for the Christmas season.

Blayke Roggenkamp celebrated his first birthday on Saturday at the home of Jake and Amy Moore. He had two parties with his Schwinn and Monroe relatives.

A nice crowd of members and friends of the Springdale Friends Church enjoyed a bountiful Thanksgiving dinner following the worship service on Nov. 19.

Airman First Class Justin Schwinn called his grandmother, Evelyn Schwinn, on her birthday from his house in Virginia. They enjoyed a nice visit. He is looking forward to being home for Christmas.

Word of the death of Jim Zimmerman, Topeka, has been received. He was 84 and had lived and attended schools in Easton as a young man. He is the son of Clarence and Mary Zimmerman.

Kirk, Austin, Wayne and Anabel Knapp traveled to Fredonia to celebrate Thanksgiving with their daughters, Debbie and Terry Tindle, and Shannon and Ryan Laurene and new baby Daniel. They had a lovely dinner an a quick visit with the family. Their son and daughter-in-law came from Severy. They arrived back home on Thursday evening.

Anabel Knapp’s sister, Myrtice Fuqua, passed away Nov. 14 in Hesston. Her funeral was Nov. 19 in Hesston. Burial was Nov. 20 at Wadsworth Cemetery in Leavenworth.